In an interview for Tokyo TV, Selena Gomez revealed just how much she loves Japanese fashion. Admittedly, she was in Japan, on Japanese TV, with quite a lot of Japanese people staring at her, but still, we think she was being genuine.
She told the hosts, "I did a lot of shopping... I bought a lot of clothes..." [We wish we were her right now] "... a lot of things you can't get in the States that you can find here." She added, "Everything is so perfect, it's hard to find the right size for me in the States".
So what did she buy? "A sweater that was really cute and long and boots that came with a bunch of little buttons."
Selena also discussed her friendship with Taylor Swift declaring they are best friends and do everything together.
She later revealed her secret love of country singing and.... rap. The Japanese hosts got rather excited by this whole rap scenario and started asking if her and Taylor could do some sort of rap duo. Conclusion: Japanese TV shows hosts are geniuses. Tay Swiz and MC Gomez should definitely, definitely get their rap on. A 'Love Story' remix ?! Hell yes.
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